Wednesdays and Sundays, from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Every Wednesday at 3 p.m.: tour of the exhibition with a member of the FMAC team; Every Sunday: a mediator will be present;
5, chemin du 23 Août – 1205 Geneva
T: +41 (0)22 418 45 30

Since its creation in 1950, the Fonds d’art contemporain de la Ville de Genève (FMAC) has fulfilled its primary mission of providing a public service: it supports the Geneva art scene by building up a collection of works and through public commissions. As such, the FMAC is a privileged agent and partner for artists and cultural actors in Geneva.

Thanks to its inclusive character and the attention paid to all current trends, this heritage collection constitutes a mirror as well as a panorama of visual arts in Geneva. It represents the main mediums of expression (painting, printmaking, drawing, photography, sculpture, installation, performance and video), and brings together all generations of artists and remains particularly sensitive to the emerging new forms.

It gathers more than 4’500 works: 2’700 works or sets of works known as “mobile”, more than 300 installations in the public space, moreover a collection of first-rate video art – more than 1’500 titles – , can be viewed at the Médiathèque.

Online collection:


20.02 – 19.03.25
Disruptions. Early Video Art in Europe
Chapitre 1, 1969 – 1974

27.03 – 23.04.25
Disruptions. Early Video Art in Europe
Chapitre 2, 1975 – 1979

Jeudi 20 mars, 18h

Dimanches 23 février / 09 mars / 16 mars, 15h
Visites guidées

Dimanche 02 mars, 15h
Visite guidée par les commissaires d’exposition

Mercredis 26 février / 05 mars / 12 mars / 19 mars, 15h
Visites guidées

Mardi 6 mars, 18h
Table ronde, Art video: exposition, restauration.

Jeudi 13 mars, 18h
Ouverture de l’exposition en présence d’un-e médiateur-rice, dans le cadre de la Nuit des Bains

Mercredi 19 mars, 12h–18h
Dernier jour Chapitre I

L’exposition explore les débuts de l’art vidéo en Suisse et ses résonances en Europe dans les années 1970. Performances, critiques de la télévision, installations ou manipulations vidéo montrent comment ce médium a participé à l’évolution des arts visuels. Des œuvres vidéo du FMAC et européennes dialoguent autour de leurs similitudes, leurs contrastes ou leurs influences.